Jonathan Miller

Jonathan Miller


Jonathan Miller


Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. What a joy it is to see a community transformed God’s love. What a joy it is to see Jesus crowned king over one’s life.  What a joy it is to be a part of God’s kingdom invading this earth. Jesus didn’t come to snatch us out of this world and get us into heaven. He came to bring heaven into us. Throughout the years here at Holsby it has been a delight to see young people every year discover Christ as their life.

When I’m at Holsby if I’m not busy organising our Bible school program, you may find me meeting with students, teaching, playing sports or doing some practical work around campus.

When I’m not at Holsby you may find me doing something with my family, our church or on a sports field. I’m married to Trista who is pretty awesome and who also serves in a variety of ways to support the Holsby ministry. We have four children – Hazel, Huxley, Nox and Ofelia. They bring us so much life and keep us humble! I also enjoy playing sports, woodworking, gardening, reading and being involved in our local church. That’s me!

Jonathan (@)