Donate from the USA

Make a one-time donation


Set up a recurring donation

Writing a check

Send donation checks – made payable to “Torchbearers” – to the following address:

Torchbearers International

PO Box 280727

Lakewood, CO  80228-0727

Please enclose a note indicating the gift is for “Holsby Gym Project”.


Online Bill Pay

Make donations through your bank’s Online Bill Pay service, by adding Torchbearers to your list of payees. Use the same Estes Park address shown above. Indicate the gift is for “Holsby Gym Project”.

Donate by credit card, debit card or paypal

If you are a U.S. resident and would like a tax-deductible receipt, you can donate – either as a one-time gift or in recurring payments (e.g. $50 or $100 per month) – by credit card, debit card or PayPal. 

Making a bequest:

Consider including Holsby in your estate plan. A bequest is a gift of cash or other assets to a designated beneficiary, as provided through your will or trust. As you create or revise your will or living trust, please do inform us about any bequest decisions that include Torchbearers. To leave your retirement assets to Torchbearers, it is usually necessary to complete a Beneficiary Designation Form provided by your retirement plan custodian. To name Torchbearers as the owner and/or beneficiary of a life insurance policy which you no longer need, you may be entitled to certain tax advantages. Be sure to first consult with a competent attorney or tax professional. Contact the Torchbearers International Office in Colorado to get specific details. Office: (970) 586-0277. Email:

Giving Shares:

Give shares of stock, mutual funds, bonds or appreciated securities. Donating appreciated stocks and securities – held for at least a year, which have increased in value since the time they were purchased – is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift, and can provide a two-fold savings of taxes. First, you avoid paying the capital gains taxes on the appreciation of that stock. Secondly, you receive a charitable income-tax deduction based on the full fair-market value of the donated stock. Please consult your tax advisor for more detailed information. For specific instructions on how to transfer stock, mutual fund shares or bonds from your brokerage or investment account to Torchbearers, contact the International Office in Colorado. Office: (970) 586-0277. Email:

Qualified Charitable Distribution From Your IRA:

Make a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” directly from your IRA account. According to US tax laws enacted in 2015, donors may choose to give to charitable organizations directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA). By doing so, you can reduce your tax bill and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). The IRA owner must be at least age 70 ½ to use this giving method. The distribution – up to $100,000 each year – comes out of the IRA without any of the tax consequences that would otherwise apply to a withdrawal from the retirement account. Please consult your tax advisor for more detailed information. Contact your IRA administrator to get started with your donation.

Then contact the Torchbearers International Office in Colorado to get specific details for making the transfer. Office: (970) 586-0277. Email: