Bible School


Dates & Fees

We offer two main Bible school programs – full year and summer. The full year program is from September to May and it covers our complete survey of the Bible. Within the full year program we have the spring term and winter term. You can apply for these individually, however we recommend committing to the full school year to enjoy the program continuity and community experience. Students who choose to sign up for the winter term only often end up changing their mind and  adding on spring term. This is not a problem but for those outside of the European Union, you will have to purchase an additional visa.

The Summer Bible School happens in July and it is a stand alone program.

The basketball season goes from September to March. The official season ends with an optional mission trip at the end of March, but students playing basketball are encouraged to attend the full year Bible school course (September to May). Basketball outreaches and even some other basketball related opportunities will carry on into the spring for those keen on keeping up their game.


2025 – 2026

September 19 – May 29

122 600 SEK

*full year students save 8 525 SEK on spring school


2025 – 2026

September 19 – March 20

96 050 SEK



April 5 – May 30

33 620 SEK



April 4 – May 29

35 075 SEK



June 29 – July 18

12 700 SEK



June 28 – July 17

13 250 SEK


The course fees include tuition, lodging, three daily meals, Internet access, laundry, printed materials, books, outdoor adventure retreats, outreach week, and use of the Holsby facilities including our new gymnasium and multi-purpose center. Fees quoted are payable by bank wire or personal check. Students will receive more information concerning these payment options once they have been accepted.

Calculate your fees based on your chosen Bible school course (current exchange rates). There is an additional nonrefundable application fee of 200 SEK.

*Mission Trips

There are several two-week optional mission trip opportunities at the end of Winter Bible School. Keep this in mind when making travel plans.

For our Swedish students

Specialpris för elever folkbokförda i Sverige: du betalar endast hälften av ovannämnda priser som inkluderar mat och logi. Kontakta oss för detaljer på


Application Details

We welcome applications and inquiries year round. There are no specific academic prerequisites for attending Holsby. Acceptance is based on the student’s application and references. Applicants must be 18 years of age (or within three months of their 18th birthday) at the beginning of the course.

After prayerfully considering Holsby Bible School, please submit your application using our convenient online application or print out the application toward the bottom of this page. The Holsby registrar will contact you when we have received your completed application and references.

If you have any further questions about the application process, please email us at

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept students applying from Africa and South Asia due to immigration issues.

Application Deadline

European Applicants
Residents of the EU may apply to Holsby Bible School up to seven days prior to the start of the Bible school course.

Non-European Applicants
To ensure adequate processing time for the student residence permit applications, we need to receive applications from non-Europeans no later than two months before the start of school. This means around the middle of July for those applying for the September start. (We will accept applications after that, but students may miss the first couple of weeks of Bible school while waiting for their residence permits to be approved.)

Visitor Residence Permit

All non-Europeans staying in Sweden longer than three months must apply for and receive a visitor residence permit (commonly called a visa) before entering Sweden. You can only apply for the residence permit AFTER receiving an acceptance letter from Holsby.

Paper application option

If you prefer to fill out a paper application, please request an application form by sending an email to